GCC Terms and Conditions for the British Childcare Programme


All applicants for the British Childcare Programme (The Programme) must read these Terms and Conditions before completing the Application Form to confirm that they have read, understood and agree to the contents listed below.


1.      Operation  運営

1.1.  The Programme is operated by Global Childcare (GCC).


2.    Application  参加申込

2.1. You must apply for the Programme at least 1 month before the start date by completing the Application Form and confirming that you agree with these GCC Terms and Conditions. You can apply either via email or website www.kaigaihoiku.com


2.2. Up to 6 participants can be accepted on this Programme, at the same time. However, if the capacity has been reached, your application may be deferred or declined.


3.      Entry requirements  参加資格

3.1.    You must be 18 or older.


3.2.    You must obtain DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) before arriving in UK because its submission is mandatory.


4.      Programme duration  実施期間と利用期間

4.1.    The Programme can be for 1 to 5 days during weekdays excluding UK National holidays, including Christmas (24 December to 2 January).


5.   Fee payment  参加費の納付

5.1. You must pay Programme fees to GCC within 10 days of the invoice date. The sender of the payment will bear all transaction fees.


5.2. You must pay the Programme fees in advance before starting.


6.    Other expenses  諸費用

6.1. Other expenses involved during the Nursery Experience Programme are not included in the fees. You will need to pay your own air fare, accommodation, food and DBS etc.


7.      Cooling off period クーリングオフ期間

7.1. You are entitled to a fee refund if you cancel your application in writing within 14 days of the application date.


8.      Cancellation and Withdrawal/Dismissal キャンセル・利用停止   

8.1. If you are unable to attend the Programme after fees are paid, the fees are non-refundable.


8.2. Once we agree on the date and detailed schedule, no change is possible.


8.3. You will be withdrawn if you (not an exhaustive list):


a.      violate the GCC Terms and Conditions, or fees are not paid by agreed schedule dates


b.      bring GCC into disrepute or behave inappropriately


c.      provide false information


If withdrawn from the Programme, fees are non-refundable.


9.    Change, Delay and Suspension 変更について

9.1. GCC has the right to change, delay or suspend the Programme for any reason.


10.     Certification  修了証の授与

10.1. GCC certification will be awarded on completion of the Programme.


11.     Compensation for damages  参加者の損害賠償

11.1.  You will be liable if you cause any damage/disruption to third parties, including GCC and Bambini Nursery staff or children, you will have to pay compensation.


12.      Indemnity 免責事項

12.1.  GCC assumes no responsibility or liability for costs, losses, etc. to participants and third parties:

・   arising from changes, delays or suspensions of the qualification courses.

・   本プログラムの遅滞、変更、中断、中止に関連して発生した参加者または第三者の損害について、GCCは一切の責任を負いません。

・   for any injuries, illness or accidents during the Programme or stay in the UK. You must purchase overseas travel insurance before coming to the UK.   

・   また、プログラム体験中やイギリス滞在中に発生したケガ・病気・事故に関しても一切の責任を負いかねますので、出発前に必ず各自で海外保険に加入して来て下さい。

13.      Secure Data Procedures 個人情報の取り扱いについて

13.1. GCC complies with its obligations under the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR).

GCCでは、全ての情報はUK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)に則って、守秘義務に従い安全に保管されています。

13.2. Any information collected about you will be stored and retained confidentiality according to the UK GDPR and will not be given to anyone outside GCC without your consent, unless the law and our rules allow us to do so. This information may include names, date of birth, contact details etc.

GCCは、本プログラムの開催にあたって知り得た参加者の氏名、生年月日、その他の個人情報をUK GDPRに沿って厳重に管理し、その利用及び提供においては、イギリスの法令に基づく場合を除き参加者の同意を得た目的の範囲内でのみ利用します。

14.     Additional clause 付則

14.1.  You must follow UK regulations and legislation not stated in these Terms and Conditions.


15.     Confidentiality, copyright and other prohibited actions  守秘義務、著作権及びその他の禁止事項

15.1. All resources we provide are copyright of GCC and any redistribution via SNS, etc., or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited. You will be responsible for the damage if you violate copyrights.


15.2. Other prohibited conduct related to copyrights includes その他禁止事項 

a.      Plagiarism from websites or books for assignments (you must clearly state the source of any references in the references/bibliography)


b.      Selling your application to a third party or assigning someone else to take the Programme


16.    Changes to Terms and Conditions 規約の変更

16.1. We may change our Terms and Conditions and other rules where, for example, there are changes to regulatory legislation, or where we consider a change to be in the best interests of GCC as a whole, without consent of participants. 



Please note: Where we have translated into Japanese, the English versions always remain Global Childcare’s official documents that are governed by English Law.